Medical Field

Medical Field

Biophysics is the application of concepts and methods of physics to study the relationship between the structures and functions of various levels of biology, as well as the physical and physicochemical processes of life activities. With the continuous development of modern medical technology, biophysics has increasingly become an important support for medical research and clinical practice.

CD BioSciences has state-of-the-art technology platforms and equipment and has accumulated extensive experience in the field of biophysical analysis. We are committed to providing customers with biophysical analysis services in medical fields such as disease treatment, molecular diagnosis, and new drug development.

Application Areas

Molecular diagnostics is a method of diagnosing certain genetic material in the body through molecular biology testing methods. We can provide biochip technology, high-throughput sequencing, optical mapping, and other biophysical technologies in the field of molecular diagnostics. In addition, our biophysical technologies can help our clients to study the electrical and optical properties and structural changes of biomolecules. Notably, we can also help our clients develop more precise diagnostic methods, thereby improving the accuracy of disease diagnosis and treatment.

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in the global population, and 90% of cancer-related deaths are due to tumor metastasis. Therefore, systematic identification of key regulators of primary and metastatic tumor formation and progression is essential for cancer prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment. We can offer a wide range of powerful biophysical analysis techniques for studying the morphology, molecular, and cellular mechanics of cancer cells, as well as to help determine the course of cancer. Currently, our techniques can support revealing the influence of the main mechanical properties of the tumor microenvironment (mechanical force, stiffness, pore size, spatial site resistance, etc.) on tumor development, as well as the influence of the mechanical properties of the stroma, which provides a solid foundation for modern medical cancer therapy.

New drug development is a very important part of the pharmaceutical industry, and our biophysical platform can provide important technical support. We use computer simulations to study drug-biomolecule interactions, allowing us to design more effective drugs. In addition, we can use optical techniques to observe drug-biomolecule interactions. Progress in the study of drug-biomolecule interaction mechanisms can be facilitated by the visualization of drug fluorescein. We are committed to helping our customers develop more effective drugs, thereby improving the success rate of disease treatment.

CD BioSciences, as an expert in biophysics, has a well-established technology platform and a professional research team. We have rich experience in biophysical analysis in the medical field and can provide diversified service solutions and technical support. If you are interested in our services, please contact us.

For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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Get In Touch

CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company focused on biophysical services. We are proficient in both chemistry and biophysics, and have a comprehensive biophysical platform containing a wide range of advanced technologies.

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