Analysis of Neurotransmitter Release

Analysis of Neurotransmitter Release

Analysis of Neurotransmitter Release

CD BioSciences is committed to providing neurotransmitter release analysis services to help our clients study the molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Our focus is on developing a variety of single-molecule biophysical techniques to provide new perspectives and tools to study the mechanisms of the nervous system.


The release of neurotransmitters plays a crucial role in nerve signaling. Neurotransmitter release is strictly dependent on the dynamic assembly of SNARE proteins and calcium-triggered membrane fusion processes. Recent studies have found that neurotransmitter release is also influenced by key marker protein molecules in neurodegenerative diseases. The study of neurotransmitter delivery and release mechanisms will not only provide a basis for the study of neurocognitive function, but will also help to understand the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and thus guide their clinical prevention and treatment.

Over the past 20 years, scientists have successfully modeled neurotransmitter release using in vitro membrane fusion systems and have reproduced the important functions of proteins involved in neurotransmitter release. The development of single-molecule biophysical techniques has allowed the analysis of multiple proteins at the level of individual vesicles before and after fusion and during ultrafast membrane fusion, providing a promising tool for studying the mechanisms of membrane fusion associated with neurotransmitter release in neuronal cells.

Fig.1 Typical data obtained from the single vesicle-vesicle fusion assay. (Diao, 2013)Fig.1 Typical data obtained from the single vesicle-vesicle fusion assay. (Diao, 2013)

Our Services

Researchers at CD BioSciences have developed a variety of single-molecule biophysical techniques based on in vitro membrane fusion recombination systems. We have developed single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer techniques (FRET) that can be applied to the study of cell membrane fusion to help our clients analyze the process of neurotransmitter release. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Analysis of the function of multiple proteins before and after fusion and during ultra-fast membrane fusion by combing with fluorescence microscopy.
  • Observation of the spatial distribution between proteins and proteins, proteins and phospholipid molecules, protein complexes and biological membranes at a given moment, as well as their real-time interactions and dynamic structural changes.
  • Investigation of the dynamic process of tethering, anchoring, maturation and membrane fusion of vesicles.
  • Observation of lipid mixing or content mixing, respectively.
  • Simultaneous observation of lipid mixing and content mixing.
  • Observation of membrane interactions before membrane fusion.


  • Study on the effect of neurodegenerative disease-related proteins on membrane fusion.
  • Development of techniques for real-time monitoring of membrane fusion during neurotransmitter release from living nerve cells.
  • Development of new treatments for neurological related diseases.

CD BioSciences focuses on recent advances in single-molecule biophysical techniques for neurotransmitter release and provides promising tools for clients to study neurocognitive function. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Diao, J.; et al. Studying protein-reconstituted proteoliposome fusion with content indicators in vitro. Bioessays. 2013, 35(7):658-65.
For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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CD BioSciences is a biotechnology company focused on biophysical services. We are proficient in both chemistry and biophysics, and have a comprehensive biophysical platform containing a wide range of advanced technologies.

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